Air Separation Plant A500/L80 Cold Box
MLEA Inc. completes the design of a A500/L80 metric tons per day cold box for Airgas an Air Liquide company.
Air Separation Plant A480/L600 Cold Box
MLEA Inc. completes the design of a A480/L600 metric tons per day cold box for Airgas an Air Liquide company.
Design Certification of US EPR Reactor
MLEA Inc. was awarded a contract to provide the review of DC, ESP, COL for Areva’s US EPR reactor.
Alternate Decay Heat Removal System (ADHR)
MLEA Inc. took its conceptual design for an Alternate Decay Heat Removal (ADHR) system for fuel pool cooling at Cooper Nuclear Station to a
complete modification package in less than twelve months, with approval by the plant safety committee four months later and start-up five months
after that.